Créditos Miss Felt

The Coconut Oil Miracle - Bruce Fife , Jon F. Barbara Ref14

The Coconut Oil Miracle - Bruce Fife , Jon F. Barbara Ref14

R$ 130,00
(Produto Usado)
São Paulo - SP

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O livro possui grifos e anotações Raridade! Can saturated fat be good for you? Yes! Natural coconut oil-as opposed to the hydrogenated version often found in processed foods-is a saturated fat, but not the kind your doctor has warned you about. Studies have shown that this uniquely curative oil actually has innumerable health benefits, ranging from disease prevention to anti-aging. Now, in this revised edition of the first book to describe the therapeutic properties of coconut oil, Bruce Fife offers a nutrition plan with dozens of tasty recipes that will allow anyone to experience the heal- ing miracles of what he deems "the perfect food." When taken as a supplement, used in cooking, or applied directly to the skin, coconut oil has been found to: • Promote weight loss • Help protect against heart disease, cancer, diabetes, arthritis, and many other degenerative diseases • Prevent premature aging of the skin Strengthen the immune system • Improve digestion

Sem garantia


Formato: Papel

Autor: Bruce FIFE , foreword by Jon Kabara

Gênero do livro: Autoajuda

Editora do livro: Avery


ISBN: 9781583332047

Condição do item: Usado

Idioma: Inglês

Idade máxima recomendada: 100 anos

Idade mínima recomendada: 10 anos

Tipo de narração: Manual

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