Créditos Miss Felt

Pen Driv Card Sd -16 Giga Saved With Best X-all-updated And

Pen Driv Card Sd -16 Giga Saved With Best X-all-updated And

R$ 22,98
(Produto Novo)
São Paulo - SP

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Reputação do vendedor 19801130

Reputação do vendedor

O vendedor 19801130Vendeu 0 produtos desde sempre.

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This Pen Drive was developed for total customer satisfaction. It will not be those random songs that were not successful or you have never heard, it will be just Success songs, the most heard and the most sought. Guarantee the quality of the product or return the value paid. The songs are in MP3 format, sorted into directories / alphabetical order. We work with the best pen drives in the market, these in more than 99% of cases are compatible in all devices such as: Bluetooth Box, Automotive Sound, Computer, TV, DVD, Home Theater and so on. Our recordings are MP3 quality

Garantia do vendedor: 1 meses


Marca: Genérica

Condição do item: Novo

SKU: gwr11m-1-150musicx-everythingupdated

Tipo de veículo: Carro/Caminhonete

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