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Cartela 10x Witch Aelves Daughters Of Khaine Age Of Sigmar

Cartela 10x Witch Aelves Daughters Of Khaine Age Of Sigmar

R$ 590,00
(Produto Novo)
Santa Catarina - SC

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Devoted followers of Khaine, Witch Aelves spend their entire lives dedicated to serving their bloodthirsty deity. Weapons practice and mock duels take up the majority of their daily lives, yet these are not mere military drills, but religious services with all the gravitas other cults might use when offering prayers to their god. For Witch Aelves, ritual combat hones martial prowess and sates a craving for violence. On the battlefield, dancing like pale shadows, they weave a scarlet path through the orgy of destruction, revelling in the spray of jetting arteries. This multi-part plastic kit contains the components necessary to assemble a set of 10 Witch Aelves. They wear lightweight, minimal armour in order to move and flow more freely in their devotional bloodlust – what armour is there is beautifully ornate, finished by high leather boots. Each Witch Aelf carries a pair of wickedly sharp sacrificial knives, and they’re all posed in an appropriate pirouetting stance. There are 12 heads in the kit – 6 pairs of individual designs – each of which comes with an additional headdress. The leader of the unit, the Hag, can be identified by the extra-spiky headdress she wears. There are 2 banners with 3 different banner tops for standard bearers and a horn to denote the unit’s hornblower. The Witch Aelves come as 134 components, and are supplied with 10x Citadel 25mm Round bases and a banner transfer sheet. This kit can be optionally used to assemble 10 Sisters of Slaughter Confira mais novidades na nossa loja no Mercado Livre! Nithzen Wargames, o reforço que sua diversão precisa.

Sem garantia


Número da figura de ação:

Capacidade da bateria:

Marca: Games Workshop

Personagem: Witch Aelves

Coleção: Daughters of Khaine


Motivo de GTIN vazio: O produto não tem código cadastrado

Altura: 28 mm

Inclui acessórios: Sim

Inclui pilhas:

Número de registro/certificação INMETRO:

É articulada: Não

É bobblehead: Não

É colecionável: Sim

Condição do item: Novo

Linha: Warhammer Age of sigmar

Fabricante: Games Workshop

Materiais: Plástico

Idade mínima recomendada:

Tipo de alimentação:

Idade recomendada: 14 anos ou mais

Peso: 180 g


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