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The Sick House Survival - Sobre Poluição Eletromagnética

The Sick House Survival - Sobre Poluição Eletromagnética

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The Sick House Survival Guide ****** Simple Steps to Healthier Homes ****** AUTORA: Angela Hobbs PUBLICADO PELA New Society Publishers EM 2003 ISBN-10: 0865714851 ISBN-13: 978-0865714854 SOBRE POLUIÇÃO ELETROMAGNÉTICA DESCRIÇÃO EM INGLÊS: Curtains that make you sick? Electricity as a pollutant?? More people suffer from indoor pollution-from chemical sensitivities-than diabetes nowadays, often with little help from the medical profession stuck with outdated research from the 1980s. Sufferers are frequently diagnosed with 'anxiety' or allergies, and returned to the very environments that have made them sick in the first place. The Sick House Survival Guide tells the story of how indoor pollution from a newly renovated house brought the author's regular, healthy life to a standstill-and how she successfully overcame it. In the first part, Angela Hobbs relates her downward health spiral, followed by that of her children. In desperation, she invented her own systematic search for answers, and eventually triumphed over this invisible monster. Part Two ties together existing research into the interaction of chemicals, hormones, and electromagnetic fields (EMFs), and outlines a series of interactive steps that readers can follow to identify problematic environments and transform their sick house into a healthy home. These include: - Keeping track of environments that make you sick - Discovering sanctuary spots where you can sleep - Isolating foods that burden your system - Dealing with your tap water - Purifying your air - Lifting the burden of synthetic fabrics, and - Reducing your exposure to EMFs. - Part Three then discusses some of the measures being taken by other countries to mitigate the dangers of chemicals and electromagnetic fields. Of vital interest to parents of asthmatic children, siblings of chronically fatigued adults, or spouses of chemically sensitive seniors, The Sick House Survival Guide will also be essential reading for victims themselves. ALGUMAS AVALIAÇÕES (TAMBÉM EM INGLÊS), QUE RESUMEM O ESCOPO DA OBRA: One of the most compelling introductions I'm aware of on chemical and electromagnetic sensitivity. Some of the advice on how improve a house (she says to disconnect the smoke alarms, by why not just use the battery operated kind?) probably should be changed, but until a more definitive guide comes out, this is a great place to start. ******* The Sick House Survival Guide is one of the most compelling and informative books I've read on healthy homes in a long, long time, and I've read quite a few over the past few years as I researched this topic for my books on natural building and passive solar heating and cooling. Unlike the other books on the healthy homes, The Sick House Survival Guide delivers a much more personal and understandable message. In this extraordinary book, the author skillfully weaves a powerful (and frightening) tale of her own exhausting battle to discover the underlying causes of her mysterious and debilitating symptoms contracted soon after she and her family moved into a newly refinished home in Canada. Against all odds, including dozens of narrowly trained doctors and a highly skeptical husband, the author uncovers a multiplicity of causes for her illness: a toxic mix of chemicals outgassed by many components of her home such as newly refinished hardwood floors and electromagnetic fields given off by fluorescent lights, clocks, appliances, computers, and a host of other electronic devices. If you are experiencing unusual symptoms that you suspect are related to your home or work environment, read this book. If you know someone who complains of symptoms that doctors can't attribute to anything -- except perhaps psychiatric problems -- you owe it to your friend or relative to put this book in his or her hands. This book could help them discover the causes of their own illnesses and eliminate them from their homes -- regaining their health. If you're just interested in learning about the many ways our homes can poison us, you need to read this book. In fact, it should be required reading for every physician in the country! ********* The author is very clear, gives a good plan on how to came closer to a problem of dificult diagnosis. Lots of references and helpful information. A very good first book about enviromental caused health problems. ********** RARÍSSIMO COM 178 PÁGINAS EM EXCELENTE ESTADO! IMPORTADO DIRETAMENTE DOS ESTADOS UNIDOS NÃO É MAIS FABRICADO E NÃO ESTÁ DISPONÍVEL EM NENHUM OUTRO LUGAR! APROVEITE E NÃO PERCA!!!!!! EM EXCEPCIONAL ESTADO!!!!! NENHUM SINAL DE USO!!!!!! VALE CADA CENTAVO!!!!!! ATENÇÃO: TODAS AS PÁGINAS ESTÃO NO IDIOMA INGLÊS; ENCADERNADO PRODUTO ORIGINAL NÃO ESQUEÇA DE ENTRAR EM CONTATO INFORMANDO NOME E ENDEREÇO COMPLETOS PARA ENVIO, CASO OS DADOS INFORMADOS AQUI NA SUA CONTA DO MERCADO LIVRE ESTEJAM INCOMPLETOS. O ENVIO POSSUI CÓDIGO DE RASTREAMENTO. O PRAZO PARA RECEBIMENTO DEPENDE DA LOCALIDADE, MAS GERALMENTE É ENTRE 3 A 6 DIAS ÚTEIS. ENVIO SOMENTE POR REGISTRO MÓDICO. **************** ATENÇÃO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ATENÇÃO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ATENÇÃO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *************** PARA ADQUIRIR VIA REGISTRO MÓDICO ME ENVIE UMA MENSAGEM (PERGUNTA) QUE AÍ EU MODIFICO O VALOR DO PRODUTO E JÁ INCLUO O FRETE DESSA FORMA. AÍ VOCÊ TERÁ QUE APENAS ESCOLHER A OPÇÃO DE "RETIRAR COM O VENDEDOR" NA HORA DO FRETE, PARA NÃO HAVER A COBRANÇA DO MERCADO LIVRE. ME ENVIE UMA PERGUNTA CASO QUEIRA VERIFICAR ESSA VIABILIDADE DE DESCONTO, POIS O FRETE DO MERCADO LIVRE (PELO MERCADO ENVIOS) É SEMPRE MAIS CARO. AH, SE QUISER ADQUIRIR MAIS DE UM PRODUTO TAMBÉM PARA APROVEITAR MELHOR O FRETE (DA LISTA DE TODOS QUE EU VENDO) DA MESMA FORMA ME ENVIE TAMBÉM UMA PERGUNTA, PARA QUE EU ENVIE A LISTA COMPLETA E VERIFIQUE SE ISSO É POSSÍVEL. APENAS CLIQUE EM COMPRAR CASO TENHA INTERESSE NA AQUISIÇÃO DO PRODUTO. CASO TENHA DÚVIDAS, CLIQUE E FAÇA SUA PERGUNTA.

Garantia de 90 dias (CDC).


Autor: Angela Hobbs

Editora do livro: New Society Publishers

Título do livro: The Sick House Survival Guide

Formato: Papel

ISBN: 9780865714854

Condição do item: Usado

Idioma: Inglês

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