Créditos Miss Felt

The Guardians Of Darshava

The Guardians Of Darshava

R$ 168,98
(Produto Novo)
São Paulo - SP

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Brian, Jamie, Rick, and Mike plan to enjoy the last days of summer hanging out. But everything changes when the group plays a late-night game on the Ouija board and unknowingly releases a terrible darkness in their small town. With the help of the mysterious Mr. Mijatov, the friends embark on an adventure, facing terrible danger and risking everything to save themselves, their town, and the world from an evil demon invasion…that’s going to happen in only seven days. Fast-paced and fun, The Guardians of DarShava: Seven Days to Save the World also treats its preteen and teen readers with the respect that author Roger B. Graves, PhD, a practicing psychologist, knows they deserve. The Guardians of DarShava illustrates the difficulty young people can have finding their inner strength and the huge impact they can have on their home, their communities, and ultimately, the world.


Formato: Papel

Inclui acessórios: Não

Autor: Roger B Graves PhD

Capa do livro: Mole

Edição do livro: 0

Editora do livro: Outskirts Press

Título do livro: Livro The Guardians of DarShava

Marca: Outskirts Press

ISBN: 9781478794806

É kit: Não

Condição do item: Novo

Idioma: Inglês

Idade máxima recomendada:

Idade mínima recomendada:

Modelo: nao informado

Tipo de narração: Novela

Quantidade de páginas: 336

Ano de publicação: 2018

SKU: 9781478794806

Sinopse: Brian, Jamie, Rick, and Mike plan to enjoy the last days of summer hanging out. But everything changes when the group plays a late-night game on the Ouija board and unknowingly releases a terrible darkness in their small town. With the help of the mysteri

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