Créditos Miss Felt

The Go-between

The Go-between

R$ 101,25
(Produto Novo)
São Paulo - SP

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When one long, hot summer, young Leo is staying with a school friend at Brandham Hall, he begins to act as a messenger between Ted, the farmer, and Marian, the beautiful young woman up at the hall. He becomes drawn deeper and deeper into their dangerous game of deceit and desire, until his role brings him to a shocking and premature revelation. The haunting story of a young boy's awakening into the secrets of the adult world, The Go-Between is also an unforgettable evocation of the boundaries of Edwardian society.


Formato: 2132698

Condição do item: Novo

Autor: HARTLEY, L. P.

Gênero do livro:

Editora do livro: PENGUIN CLASSICS

Título do livro: The Go-between

ISBN: 9780141187785

Idioma: Português

Idade máxima recomendada:

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Tipo de narração:

SKU: 761474

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