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The Complete Fairy Tales Of The Hans Christian Andersen Editora Wordsworth Capa Dura

The Complete Fairy Tales Of The Hans Christian Andersen Editora Wordsworth Capa Dura

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THE COMPLETE FAIRY TALES OF THE HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSEN | HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSEN | WORDSWORTH | IMPORTADO | INGLÊS | REINO UNIDO | CAPA DURA | 2009 FICHA DO PRODUTO: Autor: HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSEN Estado: NOVO (LACRADO) Código de barras: 978-18-40221-73-2 Dimensões: 15,5 x 5,1 x 23,6 cm Edição: 1 Editora: WORDSWORTH Idioma: INGLÊS (UK) ISBN: 1840221739 Número de páginas: 1184 Peso: 1 kg Ano de publicação: 2009 Capa: DURA Tags: LIVROS, INGLÊS, LITERATURA, ESTRANGEIRA, CONTOS, CLÁSSICOS, ROMANCE, FANTASIA, THE, COMPLETE, FAIRY, TALES, OF, THE, HANS, CHRISTIAN, ANDERSEN, WORDSWORTH. SINOPSE: From the classic translation by H.P. Paull (1872), revised and partly re-translated by W.A. & J.K. Craigie (1914). Hans Christian Andersen (1805-1875) was born in Odense, the son of a shoemaker. His early life was wretched, but he was adopted by a patron and became a short-story writer, novelist and playwright, though he remains best-known for his magical fairy tales which were published between 1835 and 1872. For 150 years his stories have been delighting both adults and children. Packed with a light-hearted whimsy combined with a mature wisdom they are as entrancing as ever. Here are all of Andersen's 154 tales, and among the favourites are The Red Shoes, The Mermaid, The Real Princess, The Emperor's New Clothes, The Tinder Box and of course The Ugly Duckling. Fairy Tales include: The Mermaid Hans Clodhopper The Flying Trunk The Rose Elf The Wild Swans The Elf-Hill The Real Princess A Picture from the Ramparts The Red Shoes Thumbelisa The Goblin and the Huckster The Bottle Neck The Steadfast Tin Soldier The Angel The Butterfly Psyche The Snail and the Rose-bush The Girl Who Trod on a Loaf The Nightingale The Storks The Little Match Girl Great Claus and Little Claus The Garden of Paradise Little Tuk The Wind’s Tale about Waldemar Daa and his Daughters The Snow Queen: A Tale in Seven Stories A Rose from Homer’s Grave The Emperor’s New Clothes The Naughty Boy Holger the Dane What the Moon Saw The Tinder Box The Story of a Mother The Marsh King’s Daughter The Galoshes of Fortune The Bronze Boar The Bell Olé Luköié, the Dustman The Swineherd The Travelling Companions The Ugly Duckling SOBRE O AUTOR: Hans Christian Andersen was born in the town of Odense, Denmark, on Tuesday, April 2nd, 1805. His father, Hans Andersen, was an indigent shoemaker who believed he was of aristocratic origin. Andersen's mother, Anne Marie Andersdatter, worked as a washerwoman. Although she was uneducated and superstitious, she opened the world of folklore to their son. Andersen received little education. As a child he was highly emotional, suffering all kinds of fears and humiliations because of his tallness and effeminate interests. Encouraged by his parents, he composed his own fairy tales and arrange puppet theatre shows. His father loved literature and often took Andersen to the playhouse. In 1816 his father died and Andersen was forced to go to work. For a short time he was apprenticed to a weaver and tailor, and also worked at a tobacco factory. In 1822 Jonas Collin, one of the directors of the Royal Theatre and an influential government official, gave Andersen a grant to enter the grammar school at Slagelse. He lived in the home of the school headmaster Meisling, who was irritated by the oversensitive student and tried to harden his character. In 1829, Andersen enjoyed considerable success with a short story entitled A Journey on Foot from Holmen's Canal to the East Point of Amager. In the same year he also published a comedy and a collection of poems. Though he made little progress writing and publishing immediately thereafter, in 1833 he received a small travelling grant from the King, enabling him to set out on the first of his many journeys through Europe. It was during 1835 that Andersen published the first instalment of his famous Fairy Tales. More stories, completing the first volume, were published in 1836 and 1837. With these collections, inspired by the great tradition of the Arabian Nights, and Household Tales, collected by the brothers Grimm, Andersen became known as the father of the modern fairytale. Andersen's identification with the unfortunate and outcast made his tales compelling. Some of Andersen's tales revealed an optimistic belief in the triumph of the good, among them The Snow Queen and Little Ugly Duckling. Some ended unhappily, like The Little Match Girl. Andersen died in his home in Rolighed on 4th August, 1875 (Fonte: site da editora Wordsworth).

Garantia do vendedor: 30 dias


Acessórios incluídos:

Autor: Hans Christian Andersen

Quantidade de livros por kit: 1

Coleção do livro:

Capa do livro: Dura

Material da capa do livro:

Edição do livro: 1

Gênero do livro: Contos,Fantasía,Literatura estrangeira

Editora do livro: Wordsworth


Tamanho do livro: Médio

Subgêneros do livro: Ficção

Subtítulo do livro:

Título do livro: The Complete Fairy Tales of the Hans Christian Andersen

Versão do livro:

Volume do livro:


ISBN: 9781840221732

Altura: 5.1 cm

Escrito em letra maiúscula: Não

Condição do item: Novo

Idioma: Inglês

Idade máxima recomendada: 99 anos

Idade mínima recomendada: 12 anos

Tipo de narração: Conto

Quantidade de páginas: 1184

Ano de publicação: 2009


Peso: 1000 g

Largura: 15.5 cm

Com realidade aumentada: Não

Com páginas para colorir: Não

Com índice: Sim

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