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The Boy Who Harnessed The Wind - Young Readers Edition

The Boy Who Harnessed The Wind - Young Readers Edition

R$ 133,99
(Produto Novo)
São Paulo - SP

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Sinopse Now a Netflix film starring and directed by Chiwetel Ejiofor this is a gripping memoir of survival and perseverance about the heroic young inventor who brought electricity to his Malawian village When a terrible drought struck William Kamkwambas tiny village in Malawi his family lost all of the seasons crops leaving them with nothing to eat and nothing to sell William began to explore science books in his village library looking for a solution There he came up with the idea that would change his familys life forever he could build a windmill Made out of scrap metal and old bicycle parts Williams windmill brought electricity to his home and helped his family pump the water they needed to farm the land Retold for a younger audience this exciting memoir shows how even in a desperate situation one boys brilliant idea can light up the world Complete with photographs illustrations and an epilogue that will bring readers up to date on Williams story this is the perfect edition to read and share with the whole family Peso 043 kg ISBN10 0803740808 ISBN13 9780803740808 Número de páginas 304 Ano de edição 2015 Idioma Inglês Tipo de produto Livro Literatura Literatura Infanto Juvenil Faixa etária inicial A partir de 10 anos de idade Tipo de produto Novo e Impresso


Formato: Papel

Autor: Kamkwamba, William

Capa do livro: Capa Dura

Gênero do livro: Literatura

Editora do livro: Penguin Books (Usa)

Título do livro: The Boy Who Harnessed The Wind - Young Readers Edition

Marca: Penguin Books Usa

ISBN: 9780803740808

Condição do item: Novo

Idioma: Inglês

Idade máxima recomendada:

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Modelo: 9780803740808

Tipo de narração: Manual

Quantidade de páginas: 304

SKU: 281295.9

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