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Rivers Of Light

Rivers Of Light

R$ 714,70
(Produto Novo)
São Paulo - SP

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Growing up in a conservative, middle-class family in Texas, Claire Myers Owens sought adventure and freedom at an early age. At twenty years old, she left home and quickly found a community of like-minded free spiritsand intellectuals in New York's Greenwich Village. There Owens wrote novels and short stories, including the controversial novel The Unpredictable Adventure: A Comedy of Woman's Independence, which was banned bythe New York Public Library for its "risqué" content. Drawn to ideals of selfactualization and creative freedom, Owens became a key figure in the Human Potential Movement along with founder Abraham Maslow and AldousHuxley, and became an ardent follower of Carl Jung. In her later years, Owens devoted her life to the practice of Zen Buddhism, moving to Rochester, NY, where she joined the Zen Center and studied under Roshi Philip Kapleau. She published her final book, Zen and the Lady, at the age of eighty-three.Friedman's rediscovery of Owens brings well-deserved attention to her little known yet extraordinary life and passionate spirit. Drawing upon autobiographies, letters, journals, and novels, Friedman chronicles Owens's robust intellect and her tumultuous private life and, along the way, shows readers what makes her story significant. With very few role models in the early twentieth century, Owens blazed her own path of independence and enlightenment.


Formato: Papel

Inclui acessórios: Não

Autor: Miriam Kalman Friedman

Capa do livro: Dura

Edição do livro: 0

Editora do livro: Longleaf Services on behalf of

Título do livro: Livro Rivers of Light

Marca: Longleaf Services on behalf of Syracuse University

ISBN: 9780815636335

É kit: Não

Condição do item: Novo

Idioma: Inglês

Idade máxima recomendada:

Idade mínima recomendada:

Modelo: nao informado

Tipo de narração: Novela

Altura da embalagem: 22.9 cm

Comprimento da embalagem: 2.54 cm

Peso da embalagem: 0.777 kg

Largura da embalagem: 15.2 cm

Quantidade de páginas: 456

Ano de publicação: 2019

SKU: 9780815636335

Sinopse: Growing up in a conservative, middle-class family in Texas, Claire Myers Owens sought adventure and freedom at an early age. At twenty years old, she left home and quickly found a community of like-minded free spiritsand intellectuals in New York's Gr

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