Créditos Miss Felt

Mansfield Park

Mansfield Park

R$ 70,50
(Produto Novo)
São Paulo - SP

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Taken from the poverty of her parents' home in Portsmouth, Fanny Price is brought up with her rich cousins at Mansfield Park, acutely aware of her humble rank and with her cousin Edmund as her sole ally. During her uncle's absence in Antigua, the Crawford's arrive in the neighbourhood bringing with them the glamour of London life and a reckless taste for flirtation. Mansfield Park is considered Jane Austen's first mature work and, with its quiet heroine and subtle examination of social position and moral integrity, one of her most profound.


Formato: 2132698

Autor: Austen, Jane

Gênero do livro:

Editora do livro: PENGUIN CLASSICS

Título do livro: Mansfield Park

ISBN: 9780141439808

Condição do item: Novo

Idioma: Português

Idade máxima recomendada:

Idade mínima recomendada:

Tipo de narração:

SKU: 761333

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