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Livro - The Spanish Love Deception: Elena Armas - Importado - Ingles

Livro - The Spanish Love Deception: Elena Armas - Importado - Ingles

R$ 214,37
(Produto Novo)
São Paulo - SP

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Reputação do vendedor ARTECIADECO

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THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER WINNER OF THE GOODREADS CHOICE AWARDS DEBUT NOVEL OF THE YEAR. A BOOKTOK SENSATION. A wedding in Spain. The most infuriating man. Three days to convince your family you're actually in love. . . Catalina Martín desperately needs a date to her sister's wedding. Especially when her little white lie about her American boyfriend has spiralled out of control. Now everyone she knows – including her ex-boyfriend and his fiancée – will be there. She only has four weeks to find someone willing to cross the Atlantic for her and aid in her deception. NYC to Spain is no short flight and her family won't be easy to fool. . . But even then, when Aaron Blackford – the 6'4", blue-eyed pain in the arse – offers to step in, she's not tempted even for a second. Never has there been a more aggravating, blood-boiling and insufferable man. But Catalina is desperate and as the wedding gets closer the more desirable an option Aaron Blackford becomes. . . The Spanish Love Deception is an enemies-to-lovers, fake-dating romance. Perfect for those looking for a steamy slow-burn with the promise of a sweet happy-ever-after. "Everything you could want in a romance is right here." Helen Hoang, author of The Kiss Quotient Editora : Simon & Schuster Ltd; 1ª edição (28 outubro 2021) Idioma : Inglês Capa comum : 480 páginas ISBN-10 : 1398515620 ISBN-13 : 978-1398515628 Dimensões : 22 x 15 x 2.5 cm

Garantia do vendedor: 60 dias


Autor: Elena Armas

Editora do livro: Simon & Schuster

Título do livro: The Spanish Love Deception: Elena Armas

ISBN: 1398515620

Escrito em letra maiúscula: Não

Condição do item: Novo

Idioma: Inglês

Idade máxima recomendada: 99 anos

Idade mínima recomendada: 0 anos

Tipo de narração: Ingles

Peso: 920 g

Com realidade aumentada: Não

Com páginas para colorir: Não

Com índice: Sim

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