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Livro The Endless Knot Song Of Albion - Book Iii

Livro The Endless Knot Song Of Albion - Book Iii

R$ 64,30
(Produto Usado)
São Paulo - SP

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Título: The Endless Knot Song of Albion - Book III Autor: Stephen R. Lawhead Editora: Thomas Nelson Ano: 2006 ISBN: Informações adicionais: S0902-15.... 446 páginas em Brochura. Formato 14x22. Livro em muito bom estado. Corte e borda livre de amarelamentos e sem manchas de oxidação. Miolo livre de grifos e rasuras. Foto ilustrativa....Sinopse: Fires rage in Albion: strange, hidden fires, dark-flamed, invisible to the eye. Llew Silver Hand is High King of Albion, but now the Brazen Man has defied his sovereignty and Llew must journey to the Foul Land to redeem his greatest treasure. The last battle begins, and the myths, passions, and heroism of an ancient people come to life as Llew faces his greatest test yet.The ancient Celts admitted no separation between this world and the Otherworld: the two were delicately interwoven, each dependent on the other. The Endless Knot crosses the thin places between this work (...)MB45


Formato: Físico

Condição do item: Usado

Idioma: Não Indicado

Editora: Não indicado

SKU: 136942085

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