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Livro - Spacetime And Geometry: An Introduction To General Relativity - Importado - Ingles

Livro - Spacetime And Geometry: An Introduction To General Relativity - Importado - Ingles

R$ 433,00
(Produto Novo)
São Paulo - SP

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Reputação do vendedor CARMOBOOKS

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Spacetime and Geometry is an introductory textbook on general relativity, specifically aimed at students. Using a lucid style, Carroll first covers the foundations of the theory and mathematical formalism, providing an approachable introduction to what can often be an intimidating subject. Three major applications of general relativity are then discussed: black holes, perturbation theory and gravitational waves, and cosmology. Students will learn the origin of how spacetime curves (the Einstein equation) and how matter moves through it (the geodesic equation). They will learn what black holes really are, how gravitational waves are generated and detected, and the modern view of the expansion of the universe. A brief introduction to quantum field theory in curved spacetime is also included. A student familiar with this book will be ready to tackle research-level problems in gravitational physics. Editora : Cambridge University Press (8 agosto 2019) Idioma : Inglês Capa dura : 516 páginas ISBN-10 : 1108488390 ISBN-13 : 978-1108488396 Dimensões : 19.05 x 2.54 x 24.77 cm

Garantia do vendedor: 1 meses


Autor: Sean M Carroll

Capa do livro: Dura

Editora do livro: Outros

Título do livro: Spacetime and Geometry: An Introduction to General Relativity

ISBN: 1108488390

Condição do item: Novo

Idioma: Inglês

Tipo de narração: Ingles

Ano de publicação: 2022

Peso: 920 g

Com realidade aumentada: Não

Com páginas para colorir: Não

Com índice: Sim

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