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Livro - Pet Sematary - Stephen King - Importado - Ingles

Livro - Pet Sematary - Stephen King - Importado - Ingles

R$ 209,00
(Produto Novo)
São Paulo - SP

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Reputação do vendedor CARMOBOOKS

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Now a major motion picture! Stephen King’s #1 New York Times bestseller is a “wild, powerful, disturbing” (The Washington Post Book World) classic about evil that exists far beyond the grave—among King’s most iconic and frightening novels. When Dr. Louis Creed takes a new job and moves his family to the idyllic rural town of Ludlow, Maine, this new beginning seems too good to be true. Despite Ludlow’s tranquility, an undercurrent of danger exists here. Those trucks on the road outside the Creed’s beautiful old home travel by just a little too quickly, for one thing…as is evidenced by the makeshift graveyard in the nearby woods where generations of children have buried their beloved pets. Then there are the warnings to Louis both real and from the depths of his nightmares that he should not venture beyond the borders of this little graveyard where another burial ground lures with seductive promises and ungodly temptations. A blood-chilling truth is hidden there—one more terrifying than death itself, and hideously more powerful. As Louis is about to discover for himself sometimes, dead is better… Editora : Simon & Schuster Export; Export edição (2 fevereiro 2021) Idioma : Inglês Edição econômica : 592 páginas ISBN-10 : 1982150777 ISBN-13 : 978-1982150778 Dimensões : 10.41 x 2.29 x 17.27 cm

Garantia do vendedor: 1 meses


Autor: Stephen King

Editora do livro: Simon & Schuster

Título do livro: Pet Sematary

ISBN: 1982150777

Escrito em letra maiúscula: Não

Condição do item: Novo

Idioma: Inglês

Idade máxima recomendada: 99 anos

Idade mínima recomendada: 0 anos

Tipo de narração: Ingles

Peso: 920 g

Com realidade aumentada: Não

Com páginas para colorir: Não

Com índice: Sim

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