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Livro Paul Gauguin: 1848-1903: The Primitive Sophisticate

Livro Paul Gauguin: 1848-1903: The Primitive Sophisticate

R$ 136,00
(Produto Novo)
Rio de Janeiro - RJ

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DESCRIÇÃO DO PRODUTO Paul Gauguin (1848–1903) was not cut out for finance. Nor did he last particularly long in the French Navy, or as a tarpaulin salesman in Copenhagen who did not speak Danish. He began painting in his spare time in 1873 and in 1876 took part in the Paris Salon. Three years later, he was exhibiting alongside Pissarro, Degas, and Monet.A querulous, hard-drinking individual, Gauguin often called himself a savage. His close but fraught friendship with the similarly temperamental Vincent van Gogh climaxed in a violent incident in 1888, when van Gogh purportedly confronted Gauguin with a razor blade, and later cut off his own ear. Shortly afterwards, following the completion of a midcareer masterpiece Vision After the Sermon (1888), Gauguin took himself to Tahiti, with the intention of escaping “everything that is artificial and conventional…”On Tahiti, Gauguin’s unfettered joy in the island’s nature, native people, and figurative images soared, spurring a prolific output of paintings and prints. In works such as Woman with a Flower (Vahine no te Tiare, 1891) and Sacred Spring: Sweet Dreams (Nave Nave Moe, 1894), he developed a distinct, Primitivist style that positively oozed with sunshine and color. In the tradition of exotic sensuality, his thick, buttery lashings of paint lingered in particular over the curves of Tahitian women.Gauguin died alone, on Tahiti’s neighboring Marquesas Islands, with many of his personal papers and belongings dispersed in a local auction. It was not until a smart art dealer began curating and showing Gauguin’s work in Paris that the artist’s profound influence began making itself felt, especially to the new breed of French avant-garde artists, such as Picasso and Matisse.This book offers the essential introduction the artist’s truly colorful life, from the Impressionist salons of 1870s Paris to his final days in the Pacific, productive and passionate to the end. FICHA TÉCNICA Autor: Ingo F. Walther Páginas: 95 Editora: Taschen Idioma: INGLES Encadernação: CAPA DURA ISBN-13: 9783836532235 ASSUNTO Arte DIMENSÕES Altura: 26,60cm Largura: 21,70cm Espessura: 1,40cm Peso: 0,560kg Somos diversas lojas dentro da loja oficial Leitura. Para comprar mais de um item aproveitando o mesmo frete, confira nossos anúncios no link abaixo: Copie o link e cole na barra de endereço do seu navegador de internet.

Garantia de fábrica: 7 dias


Formato: Papel

Autor: Ingo F. Walther

Capa do livro: Dura

Material da capa do livro: Outros

Gênero do livro: Arte

Editora do livro: Taschen

Título do livro: Paul Gauguin: 1848-1903: the Primitive Sophisticate

Marca: Taschen

ISBN: 9783836532235

Altura: 26.6 cm

Condição do item: Novo

Idioma: Inglês

Idade máxima recomendada: 99 anos

Idade mínima recomendada: 18 anos

Modelo: 9783836532235

Tipo de narração: Conto

Quantidade de páginas: 95

SKU: 9783836532235

Peso: 0.6 kg

Largura: 21.7 cm

Com índice: Sim

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