Créditos Miss Felt

Livro Out Of The Maze An A-mazing Way To Get Unstuck

Livro Out Of The Maze An A-mazing Way To Get Unstuck

R$ 37,00
(Produto Novo)
Santa Catarina - SC

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Wall Street Journal Bestseller The longawaited sequel to Who Moved My Cheese?, the beloved 28millioncopy bestseller that became a worldwide sensation. In his trademark style that has won tens of millions of fans, Dr. Spencer Johnson once again shares a simple story that offers profound truths about how to transform your life. When we first met them in Who Moved My Cheese?, two mousesized characters named Hem and Haw were faced with unexpected change, when the Cheese they loved suddenly disappeared. Haw learned how to deal with that change successfully by setting off in search of New Cheese. But Hem remained stuck where he was. Now Out of the Maze reveals what Hem did nextand how his discoveries can help you unlock the riddle of whatever mazes you may face yourself. When you follow Hem and his new friend, Hope, on their new journey, you ll discover how to get more out of life by thinking outside the box. Or, in this case, outside the Maze. Written for all ages and backgrounds, this story takes less than an hour to read, yet its insights can last for a lifetime.

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Marca: Penguin Books

ISBN: 9780525537298

Condição do item: Novo

Idioma: Inglês

MPN: 2209

Editora: Penguim Books

SKU: 2209

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