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Livro My Blue Notebooks Liane De Pougy

Livro My Blue Notebooks Liane De Pougy

R$ 90,00
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São Paulo - SP
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livro my blue notebooks liane de pougy the intimate journal of paris's most beautiful and notorious courtesan Assunto: biografia Encadernação: brochura Ano: 2002 Peso: 0,500 kg Número de páginas: 288 SINOPSE: Liane de Pougy, known as Paris's most beautiful and notorious courtesan, was a Folies-Bergère dancer who became a princess and died a nun. Between 1919 and 1941 she wrote her intimate memoir, 'My Blue Notebooks'. Making modern tell-alls seem downright tepid by comparison, this long-out-of-print classic is a fascinating look into the mind of an audacious woman of great intelligence and humor. In 'My Blue Notebooks', de Pougy describes hosting the likes of Jean Cocteau and the poet Max Jacob, her best friend ("Never again. Never more than one writer at a time"). She shares her literary critiques of her "friend" Colette ("I look down on her with a grimace of disgust"), recalls the funeral of Nicholas I (she happened to be in St. Petersburg at the time), and reports the sad early death of her acquaintance Marcel Proust. She writes graphically of her many sexual liaisons with both men and women, including her complex marriage to the "too handsome" Prince Georges Ghika of Romania and her difficult relationship with Nathalie Clifford Barney, perhaps the real love of her life. ESTADO DE CONSERVAÇÃO: Livro em ótimo estado com leves sinais de manuseio nas bordas; VEJA O CUSTO DE ENVIO PARA TODO O BRASIL, também para o seu CEP! ACEITO MERCADO PAGO / DEPOSITO OU TRANSFERÊNCIA EM CONTA BANCARIA / ENVIO APOS CONFIRMAÇÃO DO PAGAMENTO / PODE SER RETIRADO PESSOALMENTE EM SP / QUALQUER DUVIDA PERGUNTE ANTES DE DAR LANCE / COMPRAS NÃO HONRADAS SERÃO NEGATIVADAS

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Autor: liane de pougy

Formato: 14 x 21 cm

ISBN: 9781585421565

Condição do item: Usado

Idioma: Inglês

Editora: tarcher putnam

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