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Livro Meals She Eats: Empowering Advice, Relatable Stories, And Over 25 Recipes To Take Control Of Your Pcos

Livro Meals She Eats: Empowering Advice, Relatable Stories, And Over 25 Recipes To Take Control Of Your Pcos

R$ 311,00
(Produto Novo)
São Paulo - SP

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Reputação do vendedor ARTECIADECO

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New York Times Bestseller A first of its kind, functional lifestyle guide for PCOS, complete with personal stories and nourishing recipes You've been diagnosed with or suspect polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). You've done some research, and you want to start the journey of regulating your cycle and managing your symptoms naturally. Can you relate to bloating, acne, cramps, and irregular periods? And beyond these typical PMS symptoms, do you also experience intense mood swings, irritability, heavy flow, and crippling fatigue? These were the norms in Rachael's life that she was told were just a part of being a woman. Like her, you know these aren't normal, but you have the hope of living symptom free. Meals She Eats is the guide you've been looking for. This book bridges the gap between research and personal experience and offers everything you need to know to naturally manage your diagnosis during each phase of your cycle. What's going on in your body and why Tasty recipes designed with optimal nutrients Helpful shopping lists that make eating healthy easy Strategic movement advice so you feel your best Self-care practices part of a holistic therapeutic approach Journaling methods for targeted healing Laugh with Tom and Rachael, who are in your very shoes, and enjoy recipes loaded with the seasonal, nutrient-rich foods your body craves. Their personal stories of successes, mistakes, and everything between (looking at you, tampon chronicle) will keep your spirits high as you empower yourself with specific and actionable diet and lifestyle modifications, learn how to collaborate effectively with doctors, and understand your cycle to relieve the worst of your symptoms.

Garantia do vendedor: 30 dias


Autor: Tom Sullivan

Capa do livro: Dura

Editora do livro: DK Publishing (Dorling Kindersley)

Título do livro: Meals She Eats: Empowering Advice, Relatable Stories, and Over 25 Recipes to Take Control of Your Pcos

ISBN: 0744064937

Condição do item: Novo

Idioma: Inglês

Ano de publicação: 2023

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