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Livro - Learn How To Master The Art Of Kart Driving - Ingles

Livro - Learn How To Master The Art Of Kart Driving - Ingles

R$ 221,00
(Produto Novo)
São Paulo - SP

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Terence Dove Spills the Beans on Driving a Racing Kart at the Elite Level. Learn how to command your kart, dominate your opponents and grow your self-confidence with advanced techniques and winning strategies used by the pros.Discover the secrets Terence has learned from working with World Champions, European Champions and British Champions on how to take a racing kart to the absolute limit. Build your confidence to champion levels Develop your own powerfully effective driving style Brake right on the limit Race like a driver in total command Use your eyes like a guided weapon system. Master wet driving Nail your starts time and again Apply secret techniques to find more speed Learn from a master of karting technique with 15 years of coaching experience how you can become a formidable kart pilot.Includes step-by-step instructions on developing the most essential driving techniques that Terence uses to help his clients reach their maximum potential.

Garantia do vendedor: 30 dias


Autor: Terence Dove

Capa do livro: Mole

Editora do livro: Createspace Independent Pub

Título do livro: Learn How to Master the Art of Kart Driving

ISBN: 1540628590

Condição do item: Novo

Idioma: Inglês

Com índice: Sim

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