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Livro: Finnegans Wake (english Edition) - James Joyce

Livro: Finnegans Wake (english Edition) - James Joyce

R$ 85,00
(Produto Usado)
São Paulo - SP

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Reputação do vendedor GCESARDEPAULA

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Finnegans Wake (Penguin Modern Classics) (English Edition) James Joyce (Autor), Seamus Deane (Introdução) Livro em estado de novo A daring work of experimental, Modernist genius, James Joyce's Finnegans Wake is one of the greatest literary achievements of the twentieth century, and the crowning glory of Joyce's life. The Penguin Modern Classics edition of includes an introduction by Seamus Deane 'riverrun, past Eve and Adam's, from swerve of shore to bend of bay, brings us by a commodius vicus of recirculation back to Howth Castle and Environs' Joyce's final work, Finnegan's Wake is his masterpiece of the night as Ulysses is of the day. Supreme linguistic virtuosity conjures up the dark underground worlds of sexuality and dream. Joyce undermines traditional storytelling and all official forms of English and confronts the different kinds of betrayal - cultural, political and sexual - that he saw at the heart of Irish history. Dazzlingly inventive, with passages of great lyrical beauty and humour, Finnegans Wake remains one of the most remarkable works of the twentieth century. James Joyce (1882-1941), the eldest of ten children, was born in Dublin, but exiled himself to Paris at twenty as a rebellion against his upbringing. He only returned to Ireland briefly from the continent but Dublin was at heart of his greatest works, Ulysses and Finnegans Wake. He lived in poverty until the last ten years of his life and was plagued by near blindness and the grief of his daughter's mental illness. If you enjoyed Finnegans Wake, you might like Virginia Woolf's The Waves, also available in Penguin Classics. 'An extraordinary performance, a transcription into a miniaturized form of the whole western literary tradition' Seamus Deane Detalhes do produto • Editora : Penguin Books, Limited (UK); UK ed. edição (29 junho 2000) • Idioma : Inglês • Capa comum : 688 páginas • ISBN-10 : 014118311X • ISBN-13 : 978-0141183114 • Dimensões : 12.9 x 3.12 x 19.71 cm

Sem garantia


É formato bolso: Não

Acessórios incluídos:

Autor: James Joyce

Coleção do livro: Penguin Modern Classics

Capa do livro: Mole

Gênero do livro: Literatura

Editora do livro: PENGUIN

Subgêneros do livro: Romance

Título do livro: Finnegans Wake


ISBN: 9780141183114


Condição do item: Usado

Idioma: Inglês

Idade máxima recomendada:

Idade mínima recomendada:

Tipo de narração: Novela

Quantidade de páginas: 688

Ano de publicação: 2000




Com realidade aumentada: Não

Com páginas para colorir: Não

Perguntas ao Vendedor

  • Ok! Eu compro por 85
    2024-03-08 13:15
    Ok, preço alterado
    2024-03-08 13:33
  • Amigo, alguma possibilidade de você fazer por 75 reais?
    2024-03-08 08:07
    Bom dia Breno! Agradeço pela oferta. Poderia chegar a 85, que já ficaria apertado pra mim. Obrigado!
    2024-03-08 10:55
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