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Livro - English For Everyone Junior: 5 Words A Day: Learn And Practice 1,000 English Words - Importado - Ingles

Livro - English For Everyone Junior: 5 Words A Day: Learn And Practice 1,000 English Words - Importado - Ingles

R$ 289,00
(Produto Novo)
São Paulo - SP

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This beautifully illustrated vocabulary book for children introduces your child to the essentials of English vocabulary Discover the perfect introduction to English for children aged 6-9 with this fantastic guide to English, which teaches and tests five new words each day, for five days a week, over one year. This language study guide contains everything a child needs to acquire a firm grasp of English in a fun and interactive way and... • Teaches over 1,000 commonly used English words • Beautiful illustrations accompany stimulating and entertaining activities • Follows the same visual methodology as the rest of the English for Everyone series • Structured in clear sections based around a theme (e.g. toys, food and drink, school) From colors, numbers, fruits, and toys to animals, sports, clothes, and weather, just about every subject in the English language is covered in eye-catching, illustrative detail. Incredibly easy to use, it includes daily “test yourself” activities with cleverly designed flaps that hide the words your child has just learned and helps fix those words in their memory. 5 New Words a Day This unique study aid encourages parents, teachers, and children to work together as a team to grasp all aspects of the English language, including grammar, punctuation, and spelling. It’s suitable as a workbook for children preparing for the Cambridge English and Trinity GESE exams. It’s also a great English teaching resource for anyone teaching English lessons for kids. Packed full of fun and useful everyday vocabulary, this visual reference book will capture the imagination of little learners and encourage a love for learning their first English words. The book presents your child with 5 new words to learn and practice each day for four days, then tests these words through a variety of interactive exercises on day five. Over the course of one year, your child will build up a vocabulary of more than 1000 English words. Complete the Series: The English for Everyone series is a wonderful study guide for children to take their first steps towards learning English as a foreign language. Practice phrasal verbs and understand their meanings in English For Everyone: Phrasal Verbs. Editora : DK - Children (US); 1ª edição (20 julho 2021) Idioma : Inglês Capa comum : 240 páginas ISBN-10 : 0744027543 ISBN-13 : 978-0744027549 Idade de leitura : 6 - 9 anos Dimensões : 20.32 x 2.16 x 23.83 cm

Garantia do vendedor: 1 meses


Autor: DK

Capa do livro: Mole

Editora do livro: Outros

Título do livro: English for Everyone Junior: 5 Words a Day: Learn and Practice 1,000 English Words

ISBN: 0744027543

Escrito em letra maiúscula: Não

Condição do item: Novo

Idioma: Inglês

Idade máxima recomendada: 99 anos

Idade mínima recomendada: 0 anos

Tipo de narração: Ingles

Peso: 920 g

Com realidade aumentada: Não

Com páginas para colorir: Não

Com índice: Sim

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