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Livro Dungeons & Dragons Ghosts Of Saltmarsh Hardcover Book (d&d Adventure)

Livro Dungeons & Dragons Ghosts Of Saltmarsh Hardcover Book (d&d Adventure)

R$ 629,00
(Produto Novo)
São Paulo - SP

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“D&D acolytes are everywhere...Tech workers from Silicon Valley to Brooklyn have long-running campaigns, and the showrunners and the novelist behind ‘Game of Thrones’ have all been Dungeon Masters.”—Neima Jahromi, The New Yorker Ghosts of Saltmarsh brings classic adventures into fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons. This adventure book combines some of the most popular classic adventures from the first edition of Dungeons & Dragons including the classic “U” series, plus some of the best nautical adventures from the history of Dungeon Magazine: Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh, Danger at Dunwater, Salvage Operation, Isle of the Abbey, The Final Enemy, Tammeraut’s Fate, The Styes. • Ghosts of Salt Marsh includes a variety of seafaring adventures, enough to take characters from level 1 to level 12. • This supplement introduces the port town of Saltmarsh, the perfect starting point for a nautical campaign. • Each adventure can be played individually, inserted into your ongoing game or combined into a single epic nautical campaign. • Dungeon Masters will find rules for ships and sea travel, deck plans for various vessels, an appendix with rules for new and classic monsters, and much more. • Dungeons & Dragons is the world’s greatest roleplaying game. Created in 1974, D&D transformed gaming culture by blending traditional fantasy with miniatures and wargaming.

Garantia do vendedor: 30 dias


Autor: Wizards RPG Team

Capa do livro: Dura

Editora do livro: Wizards of the

Título do livro: Dungeons & Dragons Ghosts of Saltmarsh Hardcover Book (D&D Adventure)

ISBN: 0786966750

Condição do item: Novo

Idioma: Inglês

Ano de publicação: 2019

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