Créditos Miss Felt

Livro Design Basics

Livro Design Basics

R$ 416,00
(Produto Novo)
Santa Catarina - SC

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DESIGN BASICS is a bestselling text for the twodimensional design course. DESIGN BASICS presents art fundamentals concepts in full two to fourpage spreads, making the text practical and easy for students to refer to while they work. This modular format gives instructors the utmost flexibility in organizing the course. Visual examples from many periods, peoples, and cultures are provided for all elements and principles of design. The diversity of illustrations now includes more examples from visual culture, encouraging students to see these principles in the world around them. Icons appearing throughout the book prompt students to access CourseMate, which provides studio art demonstrations, interactive exercises that help students explore the foundations of art, and an interactive eBook. Important Notice Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.

Sem garantia


Marca: Cengage

ISBN: 9780495915775

Condição do item: Novo

Idioma: Inglês

MPN: 11967

Editora: Cengage

SKU: 11967

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