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Livro Angels In The Gloom - (pocket)

Livro Angels In The Gloom - (pocket)

R$ 19,99
(Produto Novo)
Paraná - PR

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DESCRIÇÃO DO PRODUTO With this latest entry in a bestselling series that evokes all the passion and heroism of history’s most heartbreaking conflict–the war that was meant to end all wars–Anne Perry adds new luster to her worldwide reputation. Angels in the Gloom is an intense saga of love, hate, obsession, and murder that features an honorable English family–brothers Joseph and Matthew Reavley and their sisters, Judith and Hannah. In March 1916, Joseph, a chaplain at the front, and Judith, an ambulance driver, are fighting not only the Germans but the bitter cold and the appalling casualties at Ypres. Scarcely less at risk, Matthew, an officer in England’s Secret Intelligence Service, fights the war covertly from London. Only Hannah, living with her children in the family home in tranquil Cambridgeshire, seems safe. Appearances, however, are deceiving. By the time Joseph returns home to Cambridgeshire, rumors of spies and traitors are rampant. And when the savagely brutalized body of a weapons scientist is discovered in a village byway, the fear that haunts the battlefields settles over the town–along with the shadow of the obsessed ideologue who murdered the Reavleys’ parents on the eve of the war. Once again, this icy, anonymous powerbroker, the Peacemaker, is plotting to kill. Perry’s kaleidoscopic new novel illuminates an entire world, from the hell of the trenches to the London nightclub where a beautiful Irish spy plies her trade; from the sequestered laboratory where a weapon that can end the war is being perfected to the matchless glory of the English countryside in spring. Steeped in history and radiant with truth, Angels in the Gloom is a masterpiece that warms the heart even as it chills the blood. FICHA TÉCNICA Autor: Anne Perry Páginas: 336 Editora: NENHUMA Idioma: Inglês ISBN-13: 9780345490506 ASSUNTO DIMENSÕES Altura: 18,00cm Largura: 11,00cm Espessura: 2,30cm Peso: 0,260kg

Garantia do vendedor: 7 dias


Formato: Papel

Autor: Anne Perry

Capa do livro: Dura

Editora do livro: NENHUMA

Título do livro: Angels In The Gloom - (pocket)


ISBN: 9780345490506

Altura: 18 cm

Condição do item: Novo

Idioma: Inglês

Idade máxima recomendada: 99 anos

Idade mínima recomendada: 18 anos

Modelo: 9780345490506

Tipo de narração: Conto

Quantidade de páginas: 336

SKU: 9780345490506

Peso: 0.26 kg

Largura: 11 cm

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