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Life 6 Combo Split A And Mylifeonline Webapp

Life 6 Combo Split A And Mylifeonline Webapp

R$ 232,90
(Produto Novo)
São Paulo - SP
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National Geographic Learning brings the world to your classroom with Life, a six-level integrated-skills series featuring content from National Geographic presented through stunning images, text, and video. Learners will strengthen their existing glo bal connections while learning the English skills needed for communication in the 21st century. To encourage a generation of informed decision-makers, Life prepares learners to think critically while teaching the English skills needed communicate eff ectively.A practical, competency-based syllabus helps learners in their development of grammar, vocabulary, functions, pronunciation and skills through appropriate communicative tasks.Real life lessons model and practice everyday functions, preparing learners to use language in the real world.National Geographic video in each unit allows teachers to bring lessons to life.Information-rich topics and a carefully designed critical thinking syllabus challenges learners to understand texts at a deepe r level.Vocabulary is introduced thematically, with additional emphasis on key words and word building in Word focus and Word building sections.


Formato: Papel

Gênero: Masculino

Autor: Paul Dummett

Capa do livro: Mole

Editora do livro: CENGAGE LEARNING ELT

Título do livro: Life 6 Combo Split A And Mylifeonline Webapp

Marca: Cengage Learning Elt

ISBN: 9780357100417

Condição do item: Novo

Idioma: Português

Modelo: Modelo Padrão

Tipo de narração: Manual

Quantidade de páginas: 230

SKU: 1240982

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