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Keynote 4 - Workbook

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Keynote – Available In Both American English And British English - Levels: A1, A2, B1, B2, C2 Inspiring Communicationfeaturing Remarkable People Communicating Passionately And Persuasively, Ted Talks Provide Inspiring Ideas And An Unparalleled Source Of Authentic Language. Keynote Invites Learners To Explore Life-Changing Stories For A Deeper Understanding Of The World, Developing The Confidence And Skills Needed To Express Themselves Powerfully And Proficiently In English.engaging And Authentic Ted Talks Drive An Integrated-Skills Syllabus Alongside 21St Century Outcomes Like Communication, Collaboration, Creativity, And Critical Thinking.real-World Content Presented Through Readings, Infographics, And Interviews Motivates Learners To Engage With Language Meaningfully.unique Presentation Skill Sections Based On Best Practices Demonstrated By Ted Speakers Teach Transferable Strategies That Develop Fluency, Confidence And Compelling Delivery.


Autor: Dummett, Paul (Autor); Stephenson, Helen (Autor); Lansford, Lewis (Autor)

Coleção do livro: Keynote American

Capa do livro: Mole

Edição do livro: 1

Editora do livro: Cengage Learning Edições Ltda.

Subtítulo do livro: Workbook

Título do livro: Keynote 4 - Workbook

Marca: National Geographic Learning - Cengage

Coautores: Stephenson,Helen;Lansford,Lewis

ISBN: 9781337104173

Altura: 270 mm

Condição do item: Novo

Idioma: Inglês americano

Modelo: 9781337104173

Quantidade de páginas: 112

Ano de publicação: 1012017

SKU: 372763

Peso: 181 g

Largura: 206 mm

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