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Jane Pettigrew's World Of Tea: Discovering Producing Regions And Their Teas

Jane Pettigrew's World Of Tea: Discovering Producing Regions And Their Teas

R$ 454,87
(Produto Novo)
São Paulo - SP

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Livro novo, lacrado em capa dura, obra em inglês, formato grande com 434 páginas ricamente ilustrado código 505706 localização E149P01 - Sinopse All around the world, there is a growing interest in specialty teas. Just as wine lovers want to learn more about wine producing regions of the world, so tea lovers are seeking out similar information. Jane Pettigrew's World of Tea explores more than 60 tea-producing countries, explaining their history, terroir, variety of cultivars, manufacturing processes, types, local tea culture, and rituals. Featuring detailed maps and beautiful full color photography on every page, Jane Pettigrew's World of Tea is the only guide to tea you'll ever need. Sobre o autor Jane Pettigrew is a tea specialist, historian, writer and consultant. Since 1983, she has been working around the world to explain and share the fascinating world of tea. In 2016, Jane was awarded the British Empire Medal for Services to Tea Production and Tea History. In 2014 she received Best Tea Educator Award, and in 2015 received Best Tea Personality Award and Best Tea Health Advocate at the World Tea Awards. The author of 16 books on tea, she lives in London


Autor: Jane Pettigrew's

Capa do livro: Dura

Gênero do livro: Culinária

Editora do livro: Hoffman Media

Título do livro: Jane Pettigrew's World of Tea: Discovering Producing Regions and Their Teas

Marca: Hoffman Media

ISBN: 9781940772516

Altura: 30 cm

Condição do item: Novo

Idioma: Inglês

Quantidade de páginas: 434

Ano de publicação: 2018

SKU: 508706

Largura: 24 cm

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