Créditos Miss Felt

If You're Happy And You Know It!

If You're Happy And You Know It!

R$ 500,00
(Produto Novo)
Paraná - PR

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If you're happy and you know you can clap your hands...but you can also wag your tail, snap your teeth, beat your chest, jump and boing!This wonderfully exuberant animal romp explores different ways of expressing happiness. Young children will enjoy joining in with the animal actions in this vibrant picture book, making for very happy reading!·Jan Ormerod is an internationally renowned author and illustrator - this is her first book to be illustrated by another artist·Lindsey Gardiner is a rising star in the picture book world; she is best known for her charming characters Poppy and Max


Formato: Papel

Gênero: Masculino

Autor: -

Capa do livro: Mole

Editora do livro: Oxford University Press

Título do livro: If You're Happy And You Know It!

Marca: Oxford University Press

ISBN: 9780192725516

Altura: 27.5 cm

Condição do item: Novo

Idioma: Inglês

Modelo: Modelo Padrão

Tipo de narração: Manual

Quantidade de páginas: 32

SKU: 9780192725516

Largura: 25 cm

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