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Hacking Essentials - The Beginners Guide To Ethical Hackin

Hacking Essentials - The Beginners Guide To Ethical Hackin

R$ 90,37
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São Paulo - SP
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Originally, the term "hacker" referred to a programmer who was skilled in computer operating systems and machine code. Today, it refers to anyone who performs hacking activities. Hacking is the act of changing a systems features to attain a goal that is not within the original purpose of the creator. The word "hacking" is usually perceived negatively especially by people who do not understand the job of an ethical hacker. In the hacking world, ethical hackers are good guys. What is their role? They use their vast knowledge of computers for good instead of malicious reasons. They look for vulnerabilities in the computer security of organizations and businesses to prevent bad actors from taking advantage of them. For someone that loves the world of technology and computers, it would be wise to consider an ethical hacking career. You get paid (a good amount) to break into systems. Getting started will not be a walk in the park—just as with any other career. However, if you are determined, you can skyrocket yourself into a lucrative career. When you decide to get started on this journey, you will have to cultivate patience. The first step for many people is usually to get a degree in computer science. You can also get an A+ certification (CompTIA)—you must take and clear two different exams. To be able to take the qualification test, you need to have not less than 500 hours of experience in practical computing. Experience is required, and a CCNA or Network+ qualification to advance your career. This book should be your start into the world of ethical hacking.


Formato: Papel

Autor: Adidas Wilson

Capa do livro: Mole

Edição do livro: 0

Título do livro: Livro Hacking Essentials - The Beginners Guide To Ethical Hackin

Marca: Draft2Digital

ISBN: 9781393240891

É kit: Não

Condição do item: Novo

Idioma: Inglês

Idade máxima recomendada:

Idade mínima recomendada:

Modelo: Brochura

Tipo de narração: Novela

Altura da embalagem: 21.6 cm

Comprimento da embalagem: 2 cm

Peso da embalagem: 0.116 kg

Largura da embalagem: 14 cm

Ano de publicação: 2019

SKU: 9781393240891

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