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Electrical Power Distribution System Engineering - 2nd Ed

Electrical Power Distribution System Engineering - 2nd Ed

R$ 1.477,43
(Produto Novo)
São Paulo - SP

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Sinopse A quick scan of any bookstore library or online bookseller will produce a multitude of books covering power systems However few if any are totally devoted to power distribution engineering and none of them are true textbooks Filling this vacuum in the power system engineering literature the first edition of Electric Power Distribution System Engineering broke new ground Written in the classic selflearning style of the first edition this second edition contains updated coverage new examples and numerous examples of MATLAB applications Designed specifically for junior or seniorlevel electrical engineering courses the author draws on his more than 31 years of experience to provide a text that is as attractive to students as it is useful to professors and practicing engineers The book covers all aspects of distribution engineering from basic system planning and concepts through distribution system protection and reliability The author brings to the table years of experience and using this as a foundation demonstrates how to design analyze and perform modern distribution system engineering He takes special care to cover industry terms and symbols providing a glossary and clearly defining each term when it is introduced The discussion of distribution planning and design considerations goes beyond the usual analytical and qualitative analysis and emphasizes the economical explication and overall impact of the distribution design considerations discussed Peso 04 kg ISBN10 142006200X ISBN13 9781420062007 Número de páginas 834 Ano de edição 2007 Idioma Inglês Tipo de produto Livro Engenharia Engenharia Elétrica e Eletrônica Tipo de produto Novo e Impresso


Formato: Papel

Autor: Gonen, Duran

Capa do livro: Encadernado

Gênero do livro: Engenharia

Editora do livro: Taylor & Francis

Subgêneros do livro: Engenharia


Título do livro: Electrical Power Distribution System Engineering - 2Nd Ed

Marca: Taylor & Francis

ISBN: 9781420062007

Condição do item: Novo

Idioma: Inglês

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Modelo: 9781420062007

Tipo de narração: Manual

Quantidade de páginas: 834

SKU: 866519.2

Peso: 4 kg

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