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Development Of Eco-friendly Agrochemicals As A Modern Agricu

Development Of Eco-friendly Agrochemicals As A Modern Agricu

R$ 64,00
(Produto Novo)
São Paulo - SP

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The book Development of Eco-friendly Agrochemicals as a Modern Agricultural Alternative presents the agricultural panorama since its establishment until today, highlighting the difficulties and problems it caused and has faced. The authors take a historical approach, in which, simply and directly, the importance of the development of world agriculture is highlighted, as well as emphasizing the need for the creation and dissemination of alternative techniques for the maintenance of agricultural productivity. In this work, difficulties encountered in agriculture, such as resistance of weeds, pests and diseases to agrochemicals are highlighted, including the economic damages that it has caused. In addition, the environmental and human health problems that agrochemicals have promoted are addressed. The production of Eco-friendly Agrochemicals is presented as an alternative to the use of synthetic agrochemicals and bioassays as a methodology for studying potential molecules, highlighting the essays of phyto-cyto-genotoxicity and mutagenicity using Lactuca sativa, Allium cepa and Sorghum bicolor as model plants.


Formato: Papel

Autor: Fontes, Milene Miranda Praça

Capa do livro: Mole

Editora do livro: Appris Editora e Livraria Eireli - ME

Título do livro: Development of eco-friendly agrochemicals as a modern agricultural alternative

Marca: Appris

Coautores: Alves Thayllon de Assis,Alves Thammyres de Assis

ISBN: 9786555233360

Altura: 210 mm

Condição do item: Novo

Idioma: Inglês

Tipo de narração: Manual

Quantidade de páginas: 77

Ano de publicação: 2020

SKU: 908542

Peso: 200 g

Largura: 148 mm

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