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Coleção Mapas Game Of Thrones (inglês)

Coleção Mapas Game Of Thrones (inglês)

R$ 600,00
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Reputação do vendedor NEAN20240104101629

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O vendedor NEAN20240104101629Vendeu 4 produtos desde sempre.

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Uma espécie de pasta com capa dura, recheada de mapas soltos do mundo de Game of Thrones. Em excelente estado de conservação! A coleção de mapas conta com 12 unidades no total, mas está faltando o mapa de "THE KNOWN WORLD". 1. The Known World (FALTANDO) 2. The West 3. Central Essos 4. The East 5. Westeros 6. Beyond the Wall 7. The Free Cities 8. Slaver´s Bay 9. The Dothraki Sea 10. King´s Landing 11. Braavos 12. Journeys A dazzling set of maps, featuring original artwork from illustrator and cartographer Jonathan Roberts, transforms Martin’s epic saga into a world as fully realized as the one around us. George R. R. Martin’s beloved Song of Ice and Fire series, which started with A Game of Thrones, is bursting with a variety and richness of landscapes – from bitter tundra to arid wasteland and everything in between – that provide a sense of scale unrivalled in contemporary fantasy. The centrepiece of this gorgeous map collection is guaranteed to be a must-have for any fan: the complete map of the known world, joining the lands of the Seven Kingdoms and the lands across the Narrow Sea for the first time in series history. But this is just one of many unique maps that aren’t available anywhere else. There is an alternate version that tracks the movements of the series’ protagonists throughout their vast world, along with more detailed versions of the western, middle, and eastern thirds of the world; a full map of Westeros, combining North and South; one of the Dothraki Sea and the Red Wastes; and the Braavos city map. And here, too, are fan favourites detailing everything from urban sprawl to untamed wilds: maps of King’s Landing; The Wall and Beyond the Wall; the Free Cities; and Slaver’s Bay, Valyria, and Sothyros. Never before has the entire scope of Martin’s universe been so exhaustively and fascinatingly depicted. The maps in this beautiful, one-of-a-kind atlas will enrich your reading or viewing experience, provide another view of your favourite characters’ epic journeys, and open up captivating new worlds – plus, they’ll look great on any castle wall. George R.R. Martin's book 'Fire and Blood' was a Sunday Times bestseller w/c 24-10-2022.

Sem garantia


Acessórios incluídos:

Autor: George R. R. Martin

Quantidade de livros por kit:

Coleção do livro:

Capa do livro: Dura

Material da capa do livro:

Edição do livro:

Gênero do livro:

Editora do livro: Bantam


Tamanho do livro:

Subgêneros do livro:

Subtítulo do livro:

Título do livro: The Lands of Ice and Fire: Maps from King's Landing to Across the Narrow Sea

Versão do livro:

Volume do livro:


ISBN: 0345538544

Altura: 30.48 cm

Escrito em letra maiúscula:

Condição do item: Usado

Idioma: Inglês

Idade máxima recomendada:

Idade mínima recomendada:

Tipo de narração:

Quantidade de páginas:

Ano de publicação: 2012


Peso: 1 kg

Largura: 22.86 cm

Com realidade aumentada:

Com páginas para colorir:

Com índice:

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