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Bees, Snails And Peacock Tails

Bees, Snails And Peacock Tails

R$ 133,99
(Produto Novo)
São Paulo - SP

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Sinopse Starred Review The duo behind Birdsongs 2007 teams up again in this winning introduction to the patterns and shapes found in the natural world From the dazzling eyes of the male peacocks feathers to the hexagonal chambers of the bees hive Francos spirited poems explore the many forms and functions of natures geometry Verses tuck neatly into each subjects doublepage spread or cleverly echo its shape mimicking the spiral lines of a snails shell or the rounded exterior of a puffer fish and an appending section explains the scientific facts behind each poem Jenkins masterful collage work which renders everything from the transparency of dew drops on a spider web to the soft gray fur of a deer mouse will have readers impulsively reaching out to feel the tactile appearance of the shaped and textured papers The perfect precursor to a science unit or a simple walk in the park Further information on each of the animals is appended PreschoolGrade 2 Peso 047 kg ISBN10 1416903860 ISBN13 9781416903864 Número de páginas 32 Ano de edição 2008 Idioma Inglês Tipo de produto Livro Literatura Literatura Infanto Juvenil Tipo de produto Novo e Impresso


Formato: Papel

Autor: Franco, Betsy

Capa do livro: Brochura

Edição do livro: 0

Gênero do livro: Literatura

Editora do livro: Simon & Schuster

Título do livro: Bees, Snails And Peacock Tails

Marca: Simon & Schuster

ISBN: 9781416903864

Condição do item: Novo

Idioma: Inglês

Idade máxima recomendada:

Idade mínima recomendada:

Modelo: 9781416903864

Tipo de narração: Manual

Quantidade de páginas: 32

SKU: 874239.1

Peso: 47 kg

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