Créditos Miss Felt

Anne Of Avonlea, De Maud Montgomery, Lucy. Série Universo Anne Ciranda Cultural Editora E Distribuidora Ltda., Capa Mole Em Inglês, 2021

Anne Of Avonlea, De Maud Montgomery, Lucy. Série Universo Anne Ciranda Cultural Editora E Distribuidora Ltda., Capa Mole Em Inglês, 2021

R$ 22,00
(Produto Novo)
Ceará - CE

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At sixteen, Anne is grown up... almost. Her gray eyes shine like evening stars, but her red hair is still as peppery as her temper. In the years since she arrived at Green Gables as a freckle-faced orphan, she has earned the love of the people of Avonlea and a reputation for getting into scrapes. But when Anne begins her job as the new schoolteacher, the real test of her character begins. Along with teaching the three Rs, she is learning how complicated life can be when she meddles in someone elses romance, finds two new orphans at Green Gables, and wonders about the strange behaviour of the very handsome Gilbert Blythe. As Anne enters womanhood, her adventures touch the heart and the funny bone

Garantia do vendedor: 7 dias


Autor: Maud Montgomery, Lucy

Capa do livro: Mole

Material da capa do livro: Outros

Gênero do livro: Juvenil

Editora do livro: Ciranda Cultural Editora E Distribuidora Ltda.

Série: Universo Anne

Subgêneros do livro: Literatura juvenil

Título do livro: Anne of Avonlea

Marca: Principis

ISBN: 9786555521832

Altura: 226 mm

Condição do item: Novo

Idioma: Inglês

Idade máxima recomendada: 99 anos

Idade mínima recomendada: 18 anos

Modelo: 9786555521832

Tipo de narração: Conto

Quantidade de páginas: 336

Ano de publicação: 2021

SKU: 9786555521832

Sinopse: At sixteen, Anne is grown up... almost. Her gray eyes shine like evening stars, but her red hair is still as peppery as her temper. In the years since she arrived at Green Gables as a freckle-faced orphan, she has earned the love of the people of Avonlea

Peso: 295 g

Largura: 155 mm

Com índice: Sim

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