Créditos Miss Felt

Animal Physiology

Animal Physiology

R$ 1.499,99
(Produto Novo)
São Paulo - SP

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Animal Physiology presents all the branches of modern animal physiology with a strong emphasis on integration of physiological knowledge, ecology, and evolutionary biology. Integration extends from molecules to organ systems and from one physiological discipline to another. The book takes an entirely fresh approach to each topic. Its full-color illustrations include many novel, visually effective features to help students learn. Each of the 24 main chapters starts with a brief animal example toengage student interest and demonstrate the value of the material that will be learned. The book includes five additional, briefer At Work chapters that apply students’ newfound physiological knowledge to curiosity-provoking and important topics, including diving by marine mammals, the mechanisms of navigation, and muscle plasticity in use and disuse.


Formato: Papel


Capa do livro: Mole

Edição do livro: 2ª EDIÇÃO - 2008

Gênero do livro: Ciências Biológicas e Naturais

Editora do livro: SINAUER ASSOCIATES

Título do livro: ANIMAL PHYSIOLOGY


ISBN: 9780878933174

Condição do item: Novo

Tipo de narração: Manual

Quantidade de páginas: 770

SKU: 519235

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