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American Kompromat: How The Kgb Cultivated Donald Trump, And Related Tales Of Sex, Greed, Power, And Treachery - Craig Unger (ingles/novo/veja Descrição)

American Kompromat: How The Kgb Cultivated Donald Trump, And Related Tales Of Sex, Greed, Power, And Treachery - Craig Unger (ingles/novo/veja Descrição)

R$ 79,00
(Produto Novo)
São Paulo - SP

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ATENÇÃO ATENÇÃO ENVIO IMEDIATO IMPORTADO EM INGLES NOVO, TEMPOS CENTENAS DE TITULOS **THE INSTANT NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER** Kompromat n.—Russian for "compromising information" This is a story about the dirty secrets of the most powerful people in the world—including Donald Trump. Based on exclusive interviews with intelligence officers in the CIA, FBI, and the KGB, thousands of pages of FBI investigations, police investigations, and news articles in English, Russian, and Ukrainian. American Kompromat shows that from Trump to Jeffrey Epstein, kompromat was used in operations far more sinister than the public could ever imagine. The book addresses what may be the single most important unanswered question of the entire Trump era: Is Donald Trump a Russian asset? The answer, American Kompromat says, is yes, supporting that conclusion with the first richly detailed narrative on how the KGB allegedly first “spotted” Trump as a potential asset, how it cultivated him, arranged his first trip to Moscow, and pumped him full of KGB talking points.

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Quantidade de livros por kit: 1

Capa do livro: Dura

Editora do livro: Dutton

Título do livro: American Kompromat: How the KGB Cultivated Donald Trump, and Related Tales of Sex, Greed, Power, and Treachery -

ISBN: 9780593182536

Altura: 23 cm

Escrito em letra maiúscula: Não

Condição do item: Novo

Idioma: Inglês

Quantidade de páginas: 352

Peso: 600 g

Largura: 15 cm

Com realidade aumentada: Não

Com páginas para colorir: Não

Com índice: Não

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