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30 Minute Meals For Dummies

30 Minute Meals For Dummies

R$ 190,16
(Produto Novo)
São Paulo - SP

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Sinopse Walking into a kitchen thats filled with cooking aromas is a delightful and comforting experience Yet between work chores family obligations and a badly needed opportunity to unwind you find it difficult to get dinner on the table within the time limits that life imposes on you But cooking a great tasting meal isnt nearly as timeconsuming as its made out to be and you dont have to be a chef to pull it off If you forgot how enjoyable a homecooked meal can be 30Minute Meals For Dummies is your best resource If you can identify with any of these descriptions this book is for you Between your frantic day and the demands of your personal life youre looking for ways to free up a few minutes Cooking is one of the activities that gets shortchanged Tired of spending your evenings in your car you long for some semblance of diningathome pleasure instead of inching around a parking lot waiting for your chance to order dinner from a metal box Youre not looking to prepare a fivecourse meal You want selfcontained meals that please satisfy and get the job done with minimal hassle 30Minute Meals For Dummies shows you how to make onedish meals that include vegetables starches and the traditional meat Youll transform soup and salad side dishes into hearty main courses and turn your skillet into a onedish dinner utensil You often get everything a meal has to offer in one dish well besides adding a scoop of ice cream to the top of your jambalaya Peso 0524 kg ISBN10 0764525891 ISBN13 9780764525896 Número de páginas 360 Ano de edição 2003 Idioma Inglês Tipo de produto Livro Culinária e Gastronomia Culinária Tipo de produto Novo e Impresso


Formato: Papel

Autor: Bennett, Bev

Capa do livro: Brochura

Gênero do livro: Culinária e Gastronomia

Editora do livro: John Wiley

Subgêneros do livro: Gastronomia

Subtítulo do livro: 30 MINUTE MEALS FOR DUMMIES

Título do livro: 30 Minute Meals For Dummies

Marca: John Wiley

ISBN: 9780764525896

Condição do item: Novo

Idioma: Inglês

Idade máxima recomendada:

Idade mínima recomendada:

Modelo: 9780764525896

Tipo de narração: Manual

Quantidade de páginas: 360

SKU: 712377.6

Peso: 524 kg

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