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Tmux 2: Productive Mouse-free Development - Brian Hogan (novo, Ingles)

Tmux 2: Productive Mouse-free Development - Brian Hogan (novo, Ingles)

R$ 120,00
(Produto Novo)
São Paulo - SP

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ATENÇÃO ATENÇAO IMPORTADO EM INGLES NOVO LACRADO ENVIO IMEDIATO Your mouse is slowing you down. The time you spend context switching between your editor and your consoles eats away at your productivity. Take control of your environment with tmux, a terminal multiplexer that you can tailor to your workflow. With this updated second edition for tmux 2.3, you'll customize, script, and leverage tmux's unique abilities to craft a productive terminal environment that lets you keep your fingers on your keyboard's home row. You have a database console, web server, test runner, and text editor running at the same time, but switching between them and trying to find what you need takes up valuable time and breaks your concentration. By using tmux 2.3, you can improve your productivity and regain your focus. This book will show you how. This second edition includes many features requested by readers, including how to integrate plugins into your workflow, how to integrate tmux with Vim for seamless navigation - oh, and how to use tmux on Windows 10. Use tmux to manage multiple terminal sessions in a single window using only your keyboard. Manage and run programs side by side in panes, and create the perfect development environment with custom scripts so that when you're ready to work, your programs are waiting for you. Manipulate text with tmux's copy and paste buffers, so you can move text around freely between applications. Discover how easy it is to use tmux to collaborate remotely with others, and explore more advanced usage as you manage multiple tmux sessions, add custom scripts into the tmux status line, and integrate tmux with your system. Whether you're an application developer or a system administrator, you'll find many useful tricks and techniques to help you take control of your terminal.

Sem garantia


Autor: Brian Hogan "

Quantidade de livros por kit: 1

Capa do livro: Mole

Editora do livro: Pragmatic Bookshelf;

Tamanho do livro: Médio

Título do livro: "Tmux 2: Productive Mouse-Free Development -

ISBN: 9781680502213

Altura: 23 cm

Escrito em letra maiúscula: Não

Condição do item: Novo

Idioma: Inglês

Quantidade de páginas: 104

Peso: 600 g

Largura: 19 cm

Com realidade aumentada: Não

Com páginas para colorir: Não

Com índice: Não

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